The author was born in 1978, she lives in Siena and she wants to become a cartoonist. After some works by her were recognized and after she studied at the International School of the Comics of Florence, Mirrelle won the first edition of Premio Inchiostro organized by Cagliostro E-Press. After the publication on the magazine BE SIDE of the short history, entitled “Towards East”, Mirella has published, for the same publisher, three volumes of Elyzabeth - Dark Visions of the Moon, a series entirely written by her. The story is set in gothic Siena, as nobody has never seen it. Author of other comic strips, like Double Fox, have met the happened one with its last comic RunningWolf Mirari. Currently, a new comic strip Romeo and Juliet is in production, goodness knows which other surprise the author has for us...

All the material contained in this site is © Mirella Menciassi.
It is prohibited to reproduce any part of the material.
For the translation thanks to Wolfgaze001